Creativity and Culture
The FOCUS Foundation has provided support to launch and enhance a broad range of visual, digital, industrial and performing arts programs and instruction.
Our aim is for students to experience a dynamic and enjoyable environment that sparks the imagination. Students must develop mastery in expressing themselves and their visionary ideas. They may learn to synthesize new ideas, experiment, engage in deep practice, develop talents, and their craft. It is important for this new generation to be able to successfully engage in an increasingly participatory media culture.
We invest in supporting our creators, inventive thinkers, and their artistic endeavors – painting, jazz band, broadcast journalism, dance choreography, digital design, theatrical performances, photography, fabric and textiles, ceramics, chamber orchestra, video production, and other new or emerging arts.
The FOCUS Foundation has helped fund design, performance and maker spaces; machinery and equipment; musical instruments; state-of-the-art sound systems, new technologies and teacher training, art supplies, professional mentors and resources.